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Dobrusha paper mill “Hero of Labor”– one of the oldest enterprises of the paper industry in the south-east of the Republic of Belarus.
Генерал-фельдмаршал граф И. Ф. Паскевич

Field Marshal General Count I. F. Paskevich

The idea of “setting up a factory for making writing paper” in Dobrusha belongs to the famous military figure of the Russian Empire, the owner of the Gomel estate, Field Marshal General Count I. F. Paskevich, who gave relevant orders back in 1849. However, only his heir, Adjutant General F. I. Paskevich, was able to carry out this plan in 1870. And two years later, the factory began producing several types of paper: wrapping paper for packaging sugar and tobacco, “match” for printing labels, writing, printing, newspaper. And by the end of the 19th century, the Dobrusha stationery factory became the largest enterprise in the country, taking 8th place in the “List of Factories and Factories of the Russian Empire” from 1903.
А. И. Стульгинский - управляющий Добрушской писчебумажной фабрикой

A. I. Stulginsky – manager of the Dobrusha Stationery Factory

In January 1910, the manager of the Dobrushskaya Stationery Factory, Anton Ignatievich Stulginsky, organized the “Alexander II Vocational School at the Dobrushsky two-class Factory School”. It trained workers of various specialties: carpenters, shoemakers, locksmiths, blacksmiths, bookbinders, textile workers. The occupancy of the groups was 6-12 people. To enter the college, it was necessary to have an education of the 3rd grade of elementary school. About 90 people studied at the school. Before the October Revolution, the school had 2 graduates of students. The Republican Museum of Vocational Education holds an authentic certificate of graduation from the “Alexander II Vocational School” of one of the first graduates of Gromyko Yelisei Ivanovich, born in 1887.
The factory’s products were successfully exhibited at the agricultural and handicraft exhibition in Mogilev in 1898, as well as at the All-Russian Exhibition in Kiev in 1913. In 1932, the Hero of Labor paper mill was the first straw-pulp enterprise in Europe that began using stationary digesters, which allowed in 1933 to bring paper production to 18 thousand tons per year, and in 1934 – up to 24 thousand tons per year. In the 50-70s, the entire production was modernized. Technical improvement allowed the factory in 1970 to produce 67% of the Union production of drawing paper and 50% of drawing paper, every seventh student of the Soviet Union wrote in a notebook produced by the Dobrush paper mill. To date, the general list of products manufactured at the factory has more than 100 types of goods. Production is focused on two main areas:
– production and technical products;
– consumer goods.
The products are supplied not only to the domestic market, but also to foreign countries. Many years of experience passed down from generation to generation, the combination of traditions with the achievements of modern technology and new technologies make (branch “Dobrushskaya paper Mill “Hero of Labor” JSC “Belarusian Wallpaper” a reliable partner in cooperation. Our customers note the high quality of products and the constant desire to flexibly and as quickly as possible fulfill orders and wishes of partners.